

"Backbreaker breaks the mold of traditional football video games with realistic, physics-based motion AI, crisp high-definition graphics and a camera angle that follows the perspective of the player. At its core, Backbreaker is full-on 11-versus-11 competitive play, and also includes online multiplayer and split-screen multiplayer modes. In addition, the game features total team customization including a fully featured logo editor.

The game welcomes newcomers to the genre with its intuitive pick-up-and-play Arcade Mode control scheme, while seasoned players can go head-to-head in the game's demanding Pro Mode that turns off AI and visual assists.

Coming soon to a PS3 near me :)





Ortayolu bulmak

Her zaman ortayol yoktur, bazen bir ortayol sadece bir sonraki ortayola kadar, bir sonraki tavize kadar bir "aldatma" aşamasıdır...Birinci safhada ortaya adım attığınızda, kaçınılmaz sona doğru ilerlemeye başlamış olursunuz; geri dönüş ise, gidişten daha zordur.

 - Kee Kee A


Superbowl tickets

Geçen akşam Jay Leno'nun showundaki espri

"I heard ..get this...some guy put up an ad on Craigslist. He was willing to trade one testicle for a Superbowl ticket..a Superbowl ticket..."
"Man y'know...that Brett Favre is really something...he really wants to be there"

Washington Redskins bu sene de kılpayı (!) Superbowl'u kacirdi, gelecek seneye yine muhtesem transferlerle artık aynı yere geliriz herhalde.